Side Hustle Unlocked; How to Get Started as a Secret Shopper

Sariah Medina- November 2023 Are you on the hunt for a new side hustle? Something that can help you earn some extra cash while still keeping your regular job? Well, you're not alone! It seems like everyone these days is searching for a way to make some extra money on the side. And if you're looking for a unique and fun way to do just that, then let me tell you about my personal experience with secret shopping. When I was 18, I stumbled upon secret shopping. I was introduced to it by my best friend's aunt, who did it for a living. My first job in the world of secret shopping was a bit of a wild ride. I remember trying to buy alcohol and tobacco products at various stores while secretly evaluating the employees' customer service skills and checking to see if they would ID me (as they legally are required to do). I also remember visiting a not to be named sub shop, famous for their 1 ft sandwiches and evaluating their sandwich-making skills while salivating for that delicious sub. Looking back, it was a lot of fun and a good source of extra cash.

Now, as an adult, I've found a more legitimate and organized way to do secret shopping through I Secret Shop (ISS). Not only do they offer a wide variety of secret shopping opportunities, but they also provide a platform that is easy to use and understand. Plus, by signing up through my referral link (, you'll earn bonus points in the system for signing up through me! So, if you're ready to give secret shopping a try, keep reading to learn more about how to get started and make some extra cash!

First things. first, let's talk about what secret shopping actually is. Also known as mystery shopping, secret shopping involves visiting stores, restaurants, gyms, and other businesses -incognito- to evaluate their customer service, product quality, and overall performance. As a secret shopper, you'll be paid to complete these evaluations and provide detailed feedback to help businesses improve their operations. Now that you know what secret shopping is, let's dive into how you can get started with ISS. The first step is to sign up on their website using my referral link ( Once you've signed up, ISS will start sending you available assignments in your area. These assignments can range from visiting a local store to evaluate their customer service to dining at a restaurant and reporting on your experience. I recently had a nice time at a bar taking photos of menus.

One of the best things about secret shopping is that you can choose which assignments to accept based on your interests and availability. With ISS, for example, you'll have access to a wide range of assignments across different industries, from restaurants and retail stores to gyms and Universities. This means you can select the assignments that align with your preferences, making secret shopping a fun and enjoyable side hustle option. For example, if you love trying out new restaurants or cafes, you can sign up for assignments that involve evaluating the quality of food and service at such establishments. On the other hand, if you're more interested in retail shopping, you can opt for assignments that require you to evaluate the customer service and overall shopping experience at different stores. Secret shopping offers a great level of flexibility, which is perfect for those with busy schedules or other commitments. You can choose to take on assignments during your free time, such as on weekends or in the evenings. This allows you to work around your existing schedule, whether you have a full-time job or other responsibilities. And you'll know how much you're getting paid and reimbursed for each assignment so you can determine if this job is worth it for you before you decide to take it on.

With ISS, you'll also have the option to set your availability, so you can prioritize assignments that fit into your schedule. This level of flexibility makes it easy to balance your secret shopping side hustle with other aspects of your life. The ability to choose your assignments based on your interests and availability makes secret shopping a great side hustle option for anyone looking for a fun and flexible way to make some extra cash. You can even pick up "shops" when you are away from home by checking the app for available shops near you. I picked up a couple jobs for when I visit my family in FL coming up. One thing I love about working with ISS is their user-friendly platform. Their website makes it easy to find available assignments, submit reports, and track your earnings. Plus, they have a point and badge system which gives you earlier access to higher paying jobs and a chance to participarte in your local leaderboard. The point and badge system is a great way to incentivize and motivate secret shoppers to perform their best and continuously improve their skills. It's just another reason why iSecretShop is a top choice for those looking to get started in the world of secret shopping.

ISS is not just a simple platform for secret shoppers to find and complete assignments. It is a comprehensive data collection software system and secret shopper portal that is licensed to Mystery Shopping Providers (MSPs) and Market Research Companies (MRCs) to publish, schedule, collect, edit and deliver their reports, audits, and evaluations. MSPs and MRCs rely on ISS to manage their assignments, shoppers, and data. This means that when you work with ISS as a secret shopper, you're part of a much larger ecosystem of market research and data collection. The platform allows you to access a wide range of assignments from different MSPs and MRCs, so you can pick and choose the ones that interest you the most. ISS makes it easy for MSPs and MRCs to publish and manage assignments, and it provides them with a suite of tools to help them analyze and interpret the data they collect. As a secret shopper, you'll be contributing to this data collection effort and helping companies improve their customer service and overall performance. The platform also provides shoppers with a range of tools to help them complete assignments and submit their reports. You'll be able to access detailed instructions for each assignment, as well as guidelines on how to complete them effectively. You can also use the platform to upload receipts and other documentation, which makes it easier for MSPs and MRCs to verify your work and process your payments.

Of course, like any side hustle, secret shopping does require some effort and attention to detail. To be successful, you'll need to carefully follow the guidelines provided by the MSPs/MRCs for each assignment and provide detailed and accurate feedback in your reports. However, with some practice and experience, you'll become a pro in no time. With their user-friendly platform, fast payment system, and wide range of available assignments, it's no wonder that ISS is a top choice for secret shoppers around the world. Starting a side hustle as a secret shopper with iSecretShop can be a great way to earn extra income. With the flexibility to choose assignments based on your interests and availability, this side hustle offers a unique and rewarding opportunity. Remember to always approach each assignment with professionalism and attention to detail, as it can lead to even more lucrative opportunities in the future. So what are you waiting for? Sign up with ISS today and start your journey as a successful secret shopper! Don't forget to sign up using my referral link ( to earn a bonus and get started on your secret shopping journey today!

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